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About this Product

Equine Ambrosia is sold by the case. There are 6 units per case.

Equine Ambrosia is a premium horse supplement. 100% pure … No fillers, No sugars, No starches and NO Loading dose!

What makes Equine Ambrosia different than other products for horses? The specific combination of amino acids and the dose of each one to make up an efficacious dose. Instead of targeting a specific area such as joints, coat, gut, hooves, attitude, recovery etc, it’s targeting the pituitary gland. We are unique to using free form crystalline amino acids, which encourage the anterior pituitary gland. This releases the necessary hormones the body needs to help repair itself at a cellular level.

Keep your horse healthy and happy by:
. Promoting normal growth and development by increasing collagen formation
. Supporting the production of other proteins like enzymes, antibodies and hormones
. Promoting bone health by increasing calcium absorption and preventing weak bones
. Helping convert fatty acids to energy and therefore reducing your horse’s unnecessary fat
. Improving your horse’s coat via increased collagen formation
. Helping to build muscle when taken with other amino acids like arginine

Equine Ambrosia gives the body what it needs to help heal at a cellular level. When cells can operate at a healthy level, the benefits that come along with that are incredible.
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Accepted methods:  Cash only

Shipping: Local Pick-Up only

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About this Product

Equine Ambrosia is sold by the case. There are 6 units per case.

Equine Ambrosia is a premium horse supplement. 100% pure … No fillers, No sugars, No starches and NO Loading dose!

What makes Equine Ambrosia different than other products for horses? The specific combination of amino acids and the dose of each one to make up an efficacious dose. Instead of targeting a specific area such as joints, coat, gut, hooves, attitude, recovery etc, it’s targeting the pituitary gland. We are unique to using free form crystalline amino acids, which encourage the anterior pituitary gland. This releases the necessary hormones the body needs to help repair itself at a cellular level.

Keep your horse healthy and happy by:
. Promoting normal growth and development by increasing collagen formation
. Supporting the production of other proteins like enzymes, antibodies and hormones
. Promoting bone health by increasing calcium absorption and preventing weak bones
. Helping convert fatty acids to energy and therefore reducing your horse’s unnecessary fat
. Improving your horse’s coat via increased collagen formation
. Helping to build muscle when taken with other amino acids like arginine

Equine Ambrosia gives the body what it needs to help heal at a cellular level. When cells can operate at a healthy level, the benefits that come along with that are incredible.
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Payment Methods

Accepted methods:  Cash only

Shipping: Local Pick-Up only

Shop Policies
Payment No policy found. Please contact Seller for details.
Shipping No policy found. Please contact Seller for details.
Refunds and Exchanges No policy found. Please contact Seller for details.

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